I’m Erna

Dr Erna Lampen

Holds a BSc Honours degree in Mathematics, and PhD in Mathematics Education. Master’s thesis researched the spatial development of young children. An experienced mathematics educator, from pre-school to past graduate level.  Qualified as a Montessori Pre-school teacher in 1981 at the St. Nicholas Centre for Montessori Education in London.

Taught Montessori pre-school and primary school level. Area of interest is spatial development and geometry (That is why Amanda and I make a good team. Her passion is fractions and early numeracy). Also serve on the board of Mathematics Challenge for primary schools, underwritten by the South African Mathematics Foundation.

Contributed to major textbook series, Mathematics at Work, which promotes problem solving. Have lectured mathematics to education students at Wits and Stellenbosch since 2007.

Grandma of a four year old and a teenager.

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