The Oumas

of Oma Uitgewers

Children do not learn by following procedures, but by understanding...

The purpose of this series of children education mathematics books is the development of number sense in Foundation Phase children (Grade R – Grade 3). The tasks create the opportunity for young children to work with numbers in a way that they learn about numbers. In doing so, we try to structure the ideas around the research of Hanlie Murray. Her work on the teaching of mathematics to young children is recognised internationally.

These children mathematic books, is based on an education teaching model which was suggested by Mrs Murray, that of the teacher giving quality attention to a small group of children, while the rest of the class is working independently, is made possible by the use of the workbooks.

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Children Education

About the books

Oma Uitgewers’ mathematics books are specifically written for children to use themselves, independently and without teacher assistance. However, the teacher must ensure that each child knows what to do and monitor their progress carefully.

The tasks are designed so that children are forced to think about the numbers while working with them.

This eliminates the need for routine procedures usually applied to the number symbols in a mechanical way without reasoning.

Relationships between numbers are emphasized rather than the mere recall of number facts. Besides the possibility that is created for children to develop derived fact strategies (i.e., to derive unknown number facts from other facts that are already known). Children are encouraged to view numbers as composites of other numbers in various ways.

In order to ensure the goal is reached; each child should be allowed to work at their own pace through the books.

The twofold aim of The Oma’s Uitgewer’s children’s mathematics books is to improve children’s education at home and at school.



“Children learn about numbers by working with numbers.”

Hanlie Murray

About the

‘n Tweede-kans-program vir werkers van Eskom wat nie matriekwiskunde gehad het nie, was die begin van ‘n dekadelange vriendskap, geselsies, wyn drink, boeke skryf, en ‘n gedeelde passie vir Wiskunde en hoe dit onderrig moet word aan die volgende geslag.

Amanda praat met groot respek en bewondering van Erna:

“Erna is ‘n vinnige denker en ek is stadig. Ek is weer meer ingestel op detail (dink ek). Haar kreatiewe idees verstom my en inspireer my. Sy sien baie geleenthede raak waar sy my kan gebruik. Sy is hoogs effektief in alles wat sy doen – ek speel soms Erna-Erna en probeer ook om ‘n raakvatter te wees.

Die wonderlike van ons vriendskap  is dat ons vanuit ‘n heavy gesprek oor wiskunde, soomloos kan oorgaan in ‘n netso diep gesprek oor ‘n mooi hemp, tuinmaak, breiwerk of ons kleinkinders.

‘n Gedeelde toewyding aan Wiskunde-onderrig het ook al gelei na gedeelde klere, toe Erna  nie voorbereid was op die Kaapse koue toe sy die eerste konferensie hier bygewoon het nie!”

Erna beaam en dink ook terug aan die jare met goeie herrineringe:

“Ek en Amanda het mekaar leer ken rondom wiskunde. Ons mentors, Hanlie Murray, Piet Human en Alwyn Olivier, het in die vroeë negentigs hulp nodig gehad met wiskundeprogramme vir tweedekans matrieks, volwasse geletterdheidsonderrig by maatskappye en ook opleiding van onderwysers in skole. Ons was gelukkig om deel te neem, en het daar gevind dat ons sienings oor wat dit beteken om te leer, en om wiskunde te verstaan sterk ooreenkom.

Ons het gou vriendinne geword en saam kongresse bygewoon, saam aan die skoolkurrikulum help werk, en oor ons kinders en kleinkinders se denke en skoolwiskunde-ervarings begin gesels.

Ons geniet dieselfde musiek, en stuur storieboeke oor en weer. Ek hou van brei, maar Amanda is die een wat altyd wol op haar penne het. Menige Desembervakansie het ons by die see by Port Alfred handboeke geskryf oor ‘n glas wyn.

Ons maniere van dink vul mekaar stimulerend aan: Ek kom met idees oor dinge, en Amanda oorweeg krities of dit kan werk met mense. Amanda neem fyn waar, veral die mensdinge, en ek sien eerste die groot prentjie en die saak op die tafel. Saam kom ons by die hele jinjang uit.”


Books in bundle for children education

Message the authors


It is essential for every child to have a sound understanding of mathematical concepts and the basic skills in mathematics. Invest in our children and be part of the education solution. 


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Oma Uitgewers, FNB, Stellenbosch,

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